Media Planning

Media Planning


The mission of Media Planning is to determine the best combination of media vehicles that will support your marketing campaign objectives.

In Media, as in most things, planning is crucial. We insist on an exploratory meeting in order to understand your product and target audience before we begin. Our team uses statistics and other data to produce targeted audience and media consumption profiles.  We then relate these profiles to various media to determine the best combinations for each advertiser and product.

Elements of a media plan

  • Client Request and Marketing Objective

    Business / Sales Objectives, strategies for the upcoming year, initiatives, research/industry trends.

  • Media Objective

    Define target audience - how often; communication goals, reach/frequency, continuity/flighting/pulsing - budget consideration

  • Media Strategies

    Where? - Geography and Markets. When? - Timing and Seasonality. What? - Media Mix

  • Tactics & Vehicles

    Digital, newspapers, radio, TV, magazines, out of home,

  • Plan & Recommendation

    You'll receive a strategically laid out media blocking chart to execute, evaluate and adjust if required.

For small-large sized businesses;

We analyze proprietary data, secondary research (both in-house and through third party) and develop media objectives to support the overall marketing goals. Deciding on the proper approach involves a collaborative discussion between Strategic Media Solutions and our clients.


As our planning method is objectives-driven, strategies are developed once we understand and define the campaign’s target audience, geographic skew and timing considerations. These media objectives are the backbone of a media plan, and drive the overall media mix and tactics of the media buy.

Strategic Media Solutions makes it a priority to stay abreast of new media and technology changes through resource research,  webinars, and meetings with media vendor representatives. This ensures all media opportunities are considered during the media planning process.

Media Planning

Industry Partners

During our 33 year history, we’ve developed strong, long-lasting relationships with industry-leading partners

Arrange a time to discuss your media plan requirements today!

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