Eyetech Lasik Clinic

About This Project

Strategic Media Solutions (SMS) was hired by Eyetech LASIK Clinic to help them effectively reach their prospective patients with compelling messaging in targeted media placements that enabled them to stand out against their competitors plus to increase sales.


The public’s perception in Manitoba is that all of the clinics in the laser eye surgery industry in Manitoba offer exactly the same service offerings and benefits to their patients but the reality is this is not true.

SMS Solutions:

Strategic Media Solutions conducted a thorough analysis of Eyetech LASIK Clinic’s service offerings etc. with the client and implemented a strategic communications campaign that included services, benefit messaging that were unique to Eyetech LASIK Clinic only.  The media placements secured were also supported by timely industry research which in turn enabled Eyetech LASIK Clinic to become very targeted in their placements, which in turn saved them dollars.  Strategic Media Solutions (SMS) also acted as the project manager on this account and worked closely with the creative agency, production company, social media co. on behalf of the client to manage the entire creative, production process and to meet deadlines.  This in turn saved the client a ton of time.


The client was extremely pleased with our overall involvement as we saved them time, money plus enabled them to generate a competitive edge. Sales increased plus the feedback from their current, new patients has been very positive.


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